As one of my goals is to help my followers and customers so I decided to write this article to explain the importance of waxing your car and demonstrate how to do it and how often you should do it.
You have certainly heard of the fact that it is necessary to wax your car. The answer to this question is "YES" if you want to protect its surface from the elements (sun rays, oxidation, bird droppings, and various environmental residues).
It doesn't matter if your car is new or older. If you want to keep the paint in the best possible condition it is always advisable to take preventive measures that help to protect the condition of the paint and the appearance of your car in general. Car care and detail know that waxing your car is one of the steps that should never fail. However, not everyone is familiar with this need and many do not realize the importance of waxing their car.
"How does the wax protect the surface of my vehicle's paintwork?"

All cars have a clear coat applied after the car is painted. This varnish, besides being responsible for offering a greater shine to your painting, has as its main role the protection of it. It is like a shield layer.
This varnish layer is the one that protects the paint from all external agents that can harm the paint itself. The problem is that if the varnish shows defects and deeper marks, imperfections in the painting begin to be noticed, in addition to the fact that it doesn’t look as bright as the reflection of the sun in the painting also changes (hence in many cases it is necessary to resort to polishing the varnish to level off and offer the same look again).

To avoid this situation and protect the varnish, additional layers of protection can be applied. What the wax does is this: it adds a protective layer to the previous layers, further protecting the paint.
In addition, the wax itself offers some properties that further enhance the shine of the paint, thanks to the polymers present in its formula of most waxes.

Just wax your car the first time to be dazzled by the look and effect that wax offers.
Protecting the painting is a bonus!
Note: If the varnish is extremely damaged, the wax will not bring great results because it does not correct surface imperfections (although some products fill these imperfections - fillers)

Another thing that most people do not know is that the fact that the wax has properties that make the sunlight reflect, not only give that fantastic and shiny aspect but also minimize the damage that sunlight causes to the clearcoat and to the paint. Exposing your vehicle to the sun on a regular basis reduces dramatically the clearcoat resistance causing it to fail.
Thanks to its sealing properties, when you apply the wax to the surface of a vehicle, it creates a "slippery" surface film which makes it difficult for contaminants and dirt to stick to the car surface. This is a huge advantage because, in addition, it makes your vehicle always looking elegant, it also makes it easier to clean your car, making it even safer as there is less chance of contaminants scratching the paint when washing. (It will not resist automated car washes)
"Okay! But how often should I apply wax to my vehicle?"
This question is quite common in people who love and respect their car.
The answer to this question is that it is not that straightforward. The best answer will be: It depends!
There are several factors that can change the duration of a wax in a vehicle:
the type of wax (paste or liquid/spray)
where you live,
if you have a closed garage,
the climate in that area,
where you park your car during the day,
what type of travel (short/long, Highway/city),
what kind of products you use to wash your car, among others.
Let's talk here about what we consider the main ones: -The type of wax

There are different types of paste or liquid (spray) wax. Both types are effective, differing mainly in user preference, duration, and ease of application. Paste waxes can last longer (can last up to 2 months) but also have the inconvenience of taking more time to be applied (they need to "cure" for some time - 15 to 30 mins). Spray waxes (such as Quick Spray Wax) are easier, faster, and more practical to apply but have a shorter duration compared to paste waxes (approximately 1 month), requiring more applications throughout the year. -The weather
The wax was created to protect your vehicle's varnish from exterior elements, especially from the ultraviolet sun rays. During hot summers where there is more sun exposure, the wax will degrade more easily. In winter, snow, ice, and salt also help to degrade wax protection more easily. I always advise the prevention and to apply this type of product before any more violent changes as mentioned above.

-Washing Products and Method
When using certain products to wash your car, you may be jeopardizing all the work you did to protect it. Not all products are suitable for washing cars as most of them (such as dishwashing products that are still used by many people) eliminate all wax and protections from your car leaving you more exposed and vulnerable to the elements.

We suggest that you use a Neutral Shampoo suitable for car washing and that it does not interfere with wax-like the Meguiars Gold Class Car Shampoo. If you have no chance of using water and if your vehicle has light to moderate dirt you can choose to use Waterless Car Wash products to keep your vehicle going. In addition to being an effective cleaning/maintenance product, it also offers additional layers of protection, as it contains carnauba wax in its composition.
Here are the general recommendations for the time interval I advise you to wax your car: Summer and Winter - From 1 to 4 weeks Autumn and Spring - From 4 to 8 weeks Watch this video for a better understanding!
Final tip: To check if your car needs a layer of wax just pour some water on the surface of your car. If you notice any repellency and rounded drops (beading effect) it is because your car is still protected.
If the water spreads and you do not see a more repellent effect and the drops appear more flattened than rounded, it is because you need a layer of wax. See the image below to help you understand the beading effect!

I hope you enjoy this article! Leave your comment about what we can improve in our articles and if you want to see some topics covered in The Mindful Blog!
Until then, good details! Be Safe and ENJOY!!
Victor F. | Mindful Detailing Automotive Aesthetics Specialist
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